Real + Raw + Authentic

Melissa’s Love RX.


Resources to inspire and transform your

relationships both outer and inner.


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Make Him Wait to Sleep with You

Make Him Wait to Sleep with You

Many of us are GUILTY of rushing into a sexual relationship too soon. The energy is there, our hormones are turned on and we are feeling the rip-your-clothes-off passion right now!
A couple of cocktails later, we know we probably shouldn’t but DO anyways because we believe in the magic of the moment.

3 Steps to Reparent Your Inner Child

3 Steps to Reparent Your Inner Child

Self-love is everything. When you love yourself and your inner child you propel your life and those around you and never ever settle for someone else’s crumbs. This especially includes developing a relationship with your younger self.  She is the wounded child inside all of us.  The one who could be feeling insecure, lacking self-worth, not having a voice, not listening to her intuition, or speaking up for herself. That is her.

3 Steps To Turn Adversity Into Your Super Power

3 Steps To Turn Adversity Into Your Super Power

So, we live in the land of maybe. The land of the lost. Where we are scared, don’t know, and don’t make decisions. When you don’t know, you’re not working on it. Your half in and half out of an adverse experience. You’re not going to grow in the miserable land of maybe. You cannot avoid life by living in the land of maybe. The land of I don’t know will keep you trapped.

Forgiveness | The Ultimate Gift of Self Love

Forgiveness | The Ultimate Gift of Self Love

It is hard to get through life if you don’t know how to forgive yourself or others. For those that you once loved and still love and often times the most challenging is how to forgive yourself. Forgiveness is not simply saying “I forgive you”. It’s doing the work of letting go. I like to think of forgiveness as a conscious choice we make and remake over the course of our lives so we can mentally just move the fuck on.

How to Stop Binge Drinking like an Asshole

How to Stop Binge Drinking like an Asshole

If you are a high functioning woman you can absolutely cut back on drinking or quit all together. Maybe you want to stop for a week or a month or just cut back on your intake. It is really up to you, and it is 100% doable.

How to say Goodbye and Move on

How to say Goodbye and Move on

I want to teach you how to say goodbye to things, items in your home, relationships, friendships, jobs and to thoughts because goodbyes make room and space for new beginnings. If you want to create a new version of your life, you are going to have to learn to say goodbye.

Thought Loops

Thought Loops

When you allow that energy and refocus it onto something more important to you, you will feel energized by it. So much of the healing work I have done, the work I put out in the world, the business that I have built has come from redirected energy. I have taken energy from thought errors, anxiety, worry, doubt, shame, guilt and used it to create something useful and productive for myself and my clients.

How to Live Life as an Emotional Adult

How to Live Life as an Emotional Adult

All of us humans are perfectly imperfect. We all make mistakes, and this is life. It is the human experience. We can beat ourselves up mentally over and over accomplishing absolutely nothing but pain and regret for ourselves. But having the ability to recognize that you could have done something differently and growing from that experience is everything.