Emotional adulthood requires us to take responsibility for how we are feeling at all times.

It’s a really powerful way to live our lives.

When we are in emotional childhood, we don’t take responsibility for the way we feel.  We blame everything and everyone else for how we feel and the results in our lives.

Emotional childhood is rampant.  Not taking responsibility for how we feel is much more common.

Growing up, no one was taught in school how to be an emotional adult.

As children, we are taught that what we do can make others feel a certain way.  It is literally ingrained in the way we are raised.

It may feel like hard work to begin thinking about our thinking and realize that we can actually choose how we want to feel, no matter what other people do or say.  This is doing life intentionally.

Staying in the space of emotional childhood is one of the most disempowering things we can do.

I am a Sex, Love + Relationship coach.  I teach high achieving women how to strengthen their relationships, overcome mindset roadblocks and up level their lives.  Guaranteed. If you are ready to work with a life coach and drastically improve your life, I invite you to sign up for a free consult and learn more about 1:1 coaching.  It is risk free. Please visit me at https://melissamcclaincoaching.com/consult/

We blame everyone and everything else for how we feel and the results in our life.

We take all our power and give it to someone else on a silver platter.  We expect them to meet our needs when they can barely meet their own.

In contrast, in the space of emotional adulthood, we take full responsibility for the way we are feeling no matter what anyone else is doing or saying.

We take control of our thinking and don’t blame other people.

Even though we now know we are not responsible for how someone else feels, we are responsible for how we behave.  It is up to you to decide who you want to be in the world and how you show up.

All of us humans are perfectly imperfect.  We all make mistakes, and this is life.  It is the human experience.  We can beat ourselves up mentally over and over accomplishing absolutely nothing but pain and regret for ourselves. But having the ability to recognize that you could have done something differently and growing from that experience is everything.

Many people cannot do this.  They isolate themselves and dump friendships because they are unable to communicate their truth.  Their nervous system shuts down in flight and freeze.  They stay in emotional childhood and blame everyone else but themselves for what is really happening in their lives.

All you can do is work on your thoughts and show up as an emotional adult.  Lead by example.

Being an emotional adult takes a ton more effort.  But it is so worth it.

Taking the step to manage ourselves and our minds so we are not dependent on other people for how we feel is the best gift you could ever give yourself.

This is where I can help you.

I am a Sex, Love + Relationship coach.  I teach high achieving women how to strengthen their relationships, overcome mindset roadblocks and up level their lives.  Guaranteed. If you are ready to work with a life coach and drastically improve your life, I invite you to sign up for a free consult and learn more about 1:1 coaching.  It is risk free. Please visit me at https://melissamcclaincoaching.com/consult/



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