How to Believe New Things about Yourself

Believing something new requires you to grow from your mistakes.

Its going from “I don’t know what to do” to “I don’t know what to do but I am going to figure it out”.  When we try new things, mistakes are part of the process.

I am open to believing this is possible. I am going to be curious in what I believe. Most people are never told that their beliefs are up for question.

Here are the 3 steps.

Step 1:  You must find out what you believe about yourself.  Be honest and authentic with yourself.  Make a list.  Those beliefs that you have are so important.  What you believe about yourself is what you will create in your life.

Questions to ask:

What do you believe about yourself?  What do you believe about your life?  What do you believe about your past?  What do you believe about the people in your life?

What is something you believe that is not working for you? You know this by the way the belief makes you feel. If you feel anxious, insecure, negative, sad, disgusted, judgmental, etc. pinpoint the thought that is creating this feeling.

What do you believe about the capacity of your future?

A belief is a thought that you keep on thinking.

The thoughts that you think over and over are beliefs.

Your beliefs will determine how you feel about your life.  They will determine what you do, and they will ultimately determine your results.

We often think we are innocently making observations of the truth.  We aren’t. We are having thoughts.  There is a difference.

Thoughts are optional – facts are not.

Step 2:  Decide on purpose what you want to believe about yourself.

Are your current thoughts serving you?  If not, what do you want to believe instead?

Brainstorm all the actions that someone who has this new belief would do each day.

Make your new thought believable.  Find a new belief that really resonates with you.  Take your time playing around with new thoughts.

What feeling will you need to feel to generate this new belief?  Your feeling is going to help you with all your actions to get to the result that you want. Make a list of feelings required.  If you are feeling insecure about your belief, you will not get to your desired results.  If you feel curious you will.

What are you willing to feel?  Trust, commitment, compassion, resilient, patience…

Be patient with yourself.  You must be willing to feel discomfort when moving into a new belief.

Old beliefs take no work.  Your brain burns more calories than anywhere else in the body.  Use your prefrontal cortex, your front brain.

Step 3:  Practice believing your new thought.  If you can’t get there, build a ladder to it.  Rather than defaulting to the negative thought, practice repeating your new thought over and over again.  Make it second nature.

Say your new belief out loud, write it with red lipstick on your bathroom mirror, add it to your calendar so every morning you start your day with your new belief.  Get creative.  How many ways can you continually remind yourself of your new belief?

When we believe something enough, it’s as good as done.  That’s why we must practice believing.  We can’t just believe something for today – we need to believe it today, tomorrow, and every day until we reach our goal.

This can be hard work.  Most of the time our beliefs started taking root when we were very young.  We were never taught to question them, and we carry the beliefs around every day like it was today’s news.

You get to change your beliefs. You really can.  When you put yourself first and learn to manage your mind you are unstoppable.

You can stay where you are, or you can think about your yourself in a different way.

It’s like building a staircase between the upstairs and downstairs.  Vulnerabilities and stories that exist in people’s minds live in the basement.  Upstairs is the cognitive level.  In a world of desires, the basement is where you can connect with yourself.  Some people just live in the main floor of their lives, and they don’t understand or drop down into themselves.

This is where I can help you.  I am a Sex, Love + Relationship coach.  I teach high achieving women how to strengthen their relationships, overcome mindset roadblocks and increase their capacity for intimacy, love and sexual expression. Guaranteed. If you are ready to work with a life coach and drastically improve your life, I invite you to sign up for a free consult and learn more about 1:1 coaching.  It is risk free. Please visit me at

You are beautiful.  You are worthy.  You are seen.  You are always worth the investments you make in yourself.  Choose you first.  Always and forever.


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