Hi Beautiful!  I’m Melissa

Dating after Divorce Coach

Beautiful Soul, I’m Melissa

I am a Certified Midlife Reinvention Coach

I help women HEAL from Divorce and find the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE they deserve.

A born and raised Florida girl with lots of passion and purpose to help you step into the next best version of yourself throughout your 2nd half of life. The woman you have grown into and become, not the woman society tells you who you should be.

I am passionate about relationships both internal and external.  The #1 relationship being with YOURSELF!

Mindset transformation coach
Certified Mindset + Self Love Life Coach

How did I get here?

I was tired of feeling like shit.  Literally, on the outside, I looked good and healthy.  I was excelling professionally but on the inside, I was my own worst enemy.  Essentially, I was mentally punching myself in the face for EVERYTHING.  I felt insecure, didn’t believe in myself, had broken relationship after broken relationship, buffered with alcohol, and wondered why I had so much childhood trauma compared to anyone else.

Relationships were always a source of suffering along my journey.

No one ever told me that the stories I was telling myself were making me sick.  That I get to choose to be a victim or a hero.  So, I was literally skipping around in life with invisible suitcases filled with all the things that didn’t work and all the mistakes I had made like it was yesterday’s news.  No wonder on a personal level I was just surviving and not thriving.

What happened is I found myself at a crossroads and I needed help.

I wanted something radically different from traditional therapy that focuses on the past. I already did that a few times.  I wanted a way to move forward and get over myself.  I was done with the self-abuse.  I ended up stumbling upon “The Life Coach School” podcast and the rest is history.  Everything that I learned resonated with me on the deepest level.  I did not feel so alone anymore.  I learned that my experience was actually normal and part of the growing process of life.  

I started going to the gym of psychological well-being, emotional well-being, and spiritual practice.



Fast Forward


My inner game transformation happened in many ways.

I was able to completely transform and save my 15-year relationship with my beloved, breathe love back into our container, and create an even sexier sex life.

I learned that my shadows have been my teachers and the deep dark trenches that were full of mud, also taught me about love and forgiveness.

I have been able to rewrite all the old stories that kept me stuck in the past.  I became the hero and not the victim.

I have a voice.  I ask for what I want.  I show the f*ck for myself and others.  I am abundant in life and love.

I am a whole new woman and feel and look amazing from the inside out.

But when I look around I can see women struggling with heartbreak, divorce, aging, dating, and starting new chapters in midlife.

I want to be for you and all women.  I want to be what I so desperately needed.  A safe space, a sacred container, that cheerleader who is believing in you more than you are believing in yourself so you can move forward and create a life on your own terms and what is true for you with clarity, confidence, and love.

The world is abundant with love and new beginnings.  We do get to pick, choose, do, and be anyone we want to become.

You can heal your life.

You really don’t have to settle for someone else’s crumbs.  Go for the most extraordinary delicious meal instead.

It starts with LOVE.  The love you have for yourself.




You Can Reinvent Yourself.

The truth is, there is no superman or knight and shining armour coming to save your life.  No one is going to pluck you out and do this work for you.  YOU have to do this work for YOU.

I am a solid, guiding light to get you thereand it is a privilege to do so.  The honor of being a teacher of love is living this material myself.

If you have read this far, thank you.  I hope this is just the beginning of our relationship.  I would love to learn more about you.  The best way to share and stay connected is to make sure you just sign up for my newsletter below by entering your name and email.

PS> If you are interested in what your life could look like with me as your Midlife Reinvention Coach at your side, click the BOOK A CONSULT below.

If you cannot find a time that works for you, please send me a note and click the CONTACT ME button located below in the about section.  I am flexible and here for you. We will find space to meet.

You are loved beyond measure.




In my 1:1 coaching program

you will learn to:

  • Liberate yourself
  • Embrace and love your inner child
  • Create healthy, vibrant relationships
  • Learn the tools of conscious dating
  • Rock all phases of life transitions
  • Listen and trust your intuition
  • Let go of past mistakes and insecurities
  • Rewrite outdated beliefs and become the heroine of your own stories
  • Kick that inner critic to the curb
  • Fall in love with yourself
  • And so much more!